Periodic musings of a former corporate executive who is between gigs.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Speaking of Vegas....

It is FINALLY time for some fun! THIS is the kind of unemployment I was hoping for. After two weeks of detoxing from the working life, dealing with Blackberries, managing doggie dentist trips and kicking off the job networking, I decided that it was time for something a bit more enjoyable. My husband had some work to do in Las Vegas so I decided to tag along.

Here's what I learned: when you are "tagging along", you aren't in charge. Now that's a hard pill for a former executive to swallow. After years of directing things, including lots of travel details, I learned that when it's someone else's trip you have to defer to their wishes.

So, no stopping off at the Coach outlet in Barstow because you've stopped there every prior trip and always found an incredible bag at an ungodly affordable price. No stopping at the Greek restaurant in Baker (home of the World's Tallest Thermometer, in case you were wondering) because you like the food. No detour to Death Valley because you've always wanted to see it. And no stopping at the other outlet mall in Primm, which has the best Williams-Sonoma store you've ever seen. No, you must go at the driver's pace. Which seems to be "petal to the metal" to get there in time for a 3:00 meeting. No fun in that!

The good news is that once you are physically in Vegas and hubby goes off to do his business-y things, you are back in charge. Well, in charge of yourself at least.

Yeah, I know being in charge of only yourself and for only a short period of time is kind of a downer if you previously ran a large function in a major company. But after feeling like the little kid on the family vacation on the way over, it's a major relief to know that you can decide whether to play slot machines or sit next to that crazy old lady at the Blackjack table. A decision is a decision and ex-executives will take anything they can get these days!

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